Cómo se obtienen buenos hábitos para una vida plena?
Pasos para una vida plena

La mejor y la más eficiente manera de hacerlo, es através de una sesión personal. Como Facilitador puedo explicarte, guiarte e instruirte en como lograrlo, usando las técnicas de PSYCH-K®. Leer más
Por medio de PSYCH-K® obtenemos lo siguiente:
* Ayudamos a estudiantes a eliminar su miedo y ansiedad ante sus exámenes para que reciban la nota que merecen.
* Guiamos a los enfermos para que cambien la manera de ver su enfermedad, para que sus defensas inmunológicas puedan funcionar al máximo.
* Enseñamos a la gente a como cambiar su mente, para que puedan disfrutar la vida al máximo.
* Ayudamos a parejas a cambiar su manera negativa de reaccionar inconscientemente frente a peleas y resentimientos para que su amor florezca

PSYCH-K®, es una filosofÃa creada para encontrar el éxito, através de técnicas que reescriben, de forma amigable el software de la mente. Leer más
Cómo funciona PSYCH-K®?
PSYCH-K® Cambia nuestras Creencias limitantes!

Mantén tus creencias positivas estoy aqui para ayudarte

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Ana Quinteros
Estoy muy agradecida por la ayuda emocional que he recibido, ya que he detectado mejorÃa total en mi comportamiento interpersonal.
He reafirmado mi seguridad al tomar decisiones y sobre todo aceptar al resto de personas tal cual son, este logro en especial me da una paz que me permite llevar una vida tranquila.
Gracias don Henrik!! y recomiendo con toda certeza que quien quiera experimentar esta tranquilidad sin lugar a dudas pidan su ayuda y apoyo. Gracias

Ngoc Phuong Luong
Henrik is a patient and wise PSYCH-K® facilitator who guided me so well with a hugely frustrating self-muscle testing issue I had for months. I spent lots of time and money to try and resolve with other facilitators and healers and consequently, was so close to giving up fixing this problem.
We dig deep through the layers of beliefs and balanced them. Every belief resonated with me so perfectly. And then the moment when we finally balanced the last belief, the result was absolutely fantastic.
Thank you so much Henrik, I’m so lucky to have chosen you as my PSYCH-K® facilitator to solve this issue.

Vagia Alaleou
My name is Vagia Alaleou. I come from Greece where I live with my family. I am 50 years young and for as long as I can remember myself I had food and sugar cravings. I was aware that there was an emotional component in this situation but despite all my efforts and the help I had been given the problem was still there.
When I was offered the opportunity to have an on-line PSYCH-K® session with Henrik I took it with no extra thought. We did not know each other but he made me feel very comfortable and welcome.
The whole time of the session I felt that he was holding space for me with no judgement. I was allowed to express myself fully. He kept the procedure simple and with his kind and gentle guidance we digged deeper in my cravings situation and what was found was pure gold.
He then facilitated the PSYCH-K® balance with me and at the end I could tell how lighter I felt. Henrik suggested some action steps I could take to reinforce the new state inside of me.
As a result of the PSYCH-K® balance I now allow myself to sometimes have "bad" emotions, to sometimes feel angry and frustrated, to let them be without criticism or guilt.
And I express them in a positive way. I have also lost two kilos since then without changing my diet. I feel lighter, more accepted and loved now.
I greatly recommend Henrik with all my heart as a gifted and talented PSYCH-K® facilitator to anyone interested
Cambiando más vidas con PSYCH-K®
Roberto Galarza
"En la búsqueda de una terapia para eliminar creencias de mi subconsciente, que me estaban limitando, encontré PSYCH-K® y a Henrik. El trabajo que realiza Henrik con PSYCH-K® es transformador y muy recomendable para alcanzar lo que deseas en diferentes ámbitos de tu vida."

Simone Schwoch
Alexander Krakolinig
Thanks Henrik for all the reprogramming we did together. I like your professional work and I could find some blind spots to transform and it changed a lot ;) see you soon