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PSYCH-K®, is a philosophy created to find success, through techniques that rewrite, in a friendly way, the software of the mind.


It helps us change our beliefs and ideas that limit us to beliefs and ideas that help us grow mentally and spiritually.


The effectiveness of PSYCH-K® techniques lies in its principles and philosophy, since we are all spiritual beings, with a purpose in life, so we can change ourselves with the right guidance.

More information about PSYCH-K® in the following  link:

Balance and harmony? (Brain doninance theory)

We often have a tendency to deal with problems or stressful situations using only one part of the brain. Some go into so much detail and logic that they forget perspective. Others go so much to their emotions, feelings and values that they forget to analyze logically.


It is not productive to try to solve problems using only half the capacity of our brain. 

Psychk techniques are intended to create a balance between the two hemispheres of the brain, a state of "whole-brain-state"

Who is in control? Consciousness or Subconsciousness?

The left brain


  • Use logic

  • Think in words

  • Specific and in detail

  • Analyze the parts

  • Think in sequences

  • Identifies with the individual

  • Is ordered

  • It's controlled

The right brain


  • Manage emotions

  • It is creative and intuitive

  • Think in pictures

  • Look for the connections

  • Think holistically

  • Identifies with the group

  • It's free

  • Is spontaneous

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Henrik Ravn Jakobsen
Facilitador de PSYCH-K®


Quito - Ecuador

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